AFF Outfit // In Bloom

Ginger & Smart top / ASOS skirt / Mulberry Bayswater / Tony Bianco heels / Samantha Wills ring

For a girl that prefers black, white and grey....this outfit was way out my world and I freaking loved it. Every girl needs a little colour and print in her life, who knew that all I needed was to have it mix all together. Bright green and turquoise never looked so good and I was enjoying every minute of this fashion wonderland. It's amazing how great a midi skirt, elegant crop and high heels will make you feel - if you haven't tried it yet, no matter what or where from you'll just feel pretty. With a top scored at the Ginger & Smart warehouse sale and this unbelievable ASOS comfy quilted skirt, all I needed was a little Mulberry to happily escort me around Singapore in classic style.