PFW Outfit // Le Lourve Rivoli

Sass & Bide dress / Mulberry bag (similar) / Sportsgirl heels (similar)

A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of life." - Thomas Jefferson 

A belated style post from Paris with more to come! When I saw this dress in the Sass & Bide window I fell in love, it was Olivia Palermo meets Marchesa meets Givenchy all in one. My ideal. I had to own it, regardless of the break it made in my piggybank. Whilst in New York I was lucky enough to hear whispers of an upcoming Mulberry sample sale (whattttt!), this amazing handbag creation is a bi-product of these whispers. All the queuing up and nervous waiting was so worth it, it was a steal and my prized possession. The tweed is irresistible, made from the same factory as Chanel tweed its of the highest quality and is heaven on earth - the perfect size and colour! What better place to show these two pieces off then at the iconic Lourve Museum, it's like this outfit was made just for Paris.

FashionJacquii LieOutfit