A Morning In Barbie's Dream Closet
Possibly one of the cutest launches I've ever had the pleasure of attending, the launching of Barbie's dream closet in Sydney! Media, bloggers and aspiring mini-fashionistas were out in force to celebrate all the styles that made that famous blonde girl our favourite childhood friend. An interactive live wardrobe that let's you try on Barbie fashions along with your own star photo in that style! What a perfect event, having just walked off a 10 hour flight home it was only Barbie glamour that could perk me up and make me feel like I was a kid again! The room exploded in pink and it looked amazing with everything from pink lemonade, pink cupcakes, pink roses, home-style jam cakes and pink macaroons. The queue to try on Barbie's wardrobe was huge, not to mention after the kids had a go the adults queue was even longer. Such a girly morning and what a nice way to kick-start this fabulous idea!
Bloggers Flourished and Sunkissed, Xssat and Me!